New Post on audionub LAB

After activating the plugin, you’ll have a new tab that is available in your content editor. This is displayed for both pages and posts. You’ll also have a new function under your “Settings” section for Page Builder itself.

Page Builder Settings

In the “Settings” of WordPress, click on “Page Builder.” You will then see the screen for the new plugin. These are simple settings that will help you fine tune the site:

General Tab:

In this tab, you can control which parts of your site include the Page Builder editor. Any installed and supported content management plugin will be visible from here after the pages and posts.

Widgets Tab:

In this tab, you can control how widgets are displayed in the content you develop with Page Builder. You can even change the header size of the widget’s name to fit your design ideas.

Layout Tab:

Here, you can control the width, margins and responsive capabilities of the materials designed with this plugin. Many developers simply use the default settings, but this is completely up to you.

Content Tab:

This allows you to control whether pre-existing content is ported into the design tab of your editor. This can be incredibly useful when modifying posts and pages that already have content.

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